Chrome marks all HTTP sites as Not Secure from July 2018

It’s here – the announcement we’ve all been waiting for.  In 2017, Google announced this update was coming. The latest Chrome update will have a much larger impact on the world wide web. Google, the search engine giant, is officially marking ALL websites who don’t use “HTTPS” for their website domain as “not secure.”

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What Does It Mean if Your Website is Not Secure?

Let’s face it, cybersecurity is not a choice anymore. In this digital age, it’s a must. Cyber-attacks such as WannaCry, Spectre, and Cryptolocker caused a tidal wave of consequences across the world. According to the Ponemon Institute, cybercrime costs organizations on average $11.7 million. Without HTTPS, your website is not strong enough to protect the communication and privacy between the website and the user’s browser. Any information (such as credit card information, email, etc.) used on an HTTP connection is displayed in “plain text,” which could be accessed by any hacker who’s able to break into the connection between your browser and the website. And for Google, this is a huge problem. Without HTTPS, your website is not strong enough to protect the communication and privacy between the website and the user’s browser. Any information  (such as credit card information, email, web forms etc.) used on an HTTP connection is displayed in “plain text,” which could be accessed by any hacker who’s able to break into the connection between your browser and the website. Think about your own experience on Google. If you clicked on a link and got an error message – would you trust the website? Probably not. Contact Guardian Angel PC Support to improve your site’s status: